Pioneer Water Polo 2022 Summer Training Camp
Pioneer Polo is our Summer Training team. Tournaments require playing as a USA Water Polo Club team. You must have a current USA Water Polo membership to participate in tournaments. You must have a Gold Membership to participate in the USA Water Polo Junior Olympics National Tournament and the Qualifier Tournament. It is not required that you play in tournaments this summer, but it is suggested as the most effective means to improve as a water polo player. You can play with SOVA (South Valley Water Polo Club) for tournaments
Week 1 thru Week 4
June 6th through July 1st
Weights M-W-F
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Practice M-T-W-TH-F
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Week 5
July 18th thru July 22nd
Swim Sprint Sets T-TH
7:00 AM to 8:00 AM
Weights M-W-F
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Practice M-T-W-TH-F
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Week 6 & 7
July 25th thru Aug 5th
Swim Sprint Sets M-W-F
7:00 AM to 8:00 AM
Weights M-T-W-TH-F
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Practice M-T-W-TH-F
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Registration for Pioneer Club Summer Training Camp gives you full access to four essential developmental training disciplines each week for 7 weeks. Summer training is not mandatory, but it will enhance your physical and intellectual capacities to successfully compete and contribute to a winning team. Your registration gives you access to all four disciplines each week.
1. Weight room to increase strength and size.
2. Sprint sets and in pool leg conditioning to increase speed
3. Dryland/Plyometric training to increase core strength, flexibility, and endurance
4. Practice increasing technical knowledge, ball skills, and game strategy.
Your Pioneer Summer Training Camp registration also automatically enrolls you in SOVA at no additional charge. SOVA will join Pioneer Polo for two, or more weekday practices.
Register for Training Camp
The registration fee is $150.00
Payment plan: $75.00 per month for two months
We are Pioneers
" We never give up. We're not done until all of us are done. We are accountable to one another."
Pioneer Club Training Camp participation is not required to play water polo on the high school team in the fall. Student-athletes may choose which sessions they attend each day. Players may make a single payment of $150.00 or spread it over two months with payments of $75.00 in May and June respectively. Financial ability will not prohibit a willing athlete to participate.
Because our numbers are low, we will be working out with the SOVA Boys 16U & 14U teams this summer to ensure we have enough players to scrimmage. They will join our practice at least two days a week during the week and as many as 5.
Pioneer Polo Summer Camp fees will automatically enroll you in SOVA at no additional cost. DO NOT register on the SOVA website. SOVA administration will add you to the SOVA website when we submit your name to SOVA as registered for Pioneer Polo.
To ensure our Pioneer Polo players get many games and tournaments this summer we will sometimes play as Pioneer Polo and sometimes play as SOVA. All tournament fees are separate from Pioneer Polo Summer Camp Fees. We will also seek out scrimmage opportunities with other clubs and high school teams to get playing experience without the tournament costs.
There are tournaments coming up right away. It's too late to register for Junior Olympics but there are three other tournaments you can register for with SOVA: